Our goals - Your path

Main Responsibilities

-To maintain and develop Petro chemical grouting biz in North China

- To approach relevant owner and design institute(Like as Petrochemical) .

- To achieve sales budget approx RMB8M per year.

- To provide timely feedback on market trends, competition and other information that may have impact on business

Your expertise - Our strength

- Junior college degree or bachelor degree

- Over 2 years sales experience construction market and can travel.

- Good ability to understanding the technicalities of Petro chemical grouting product & market

- Self-motivated, self-directed, willing to accept responsibility for results


西卡集团总部位于瑞士巴尔市,是一家活跃在全球的专业化特殊化学品公司。西卡在全球100 多个国家和地区设有子公司及 400 多家工厂。全球约 33,000 名员工,研发人员1,780 余人。销售额 112 亿瑞士法郎。西卡的产品系列包括高质量混凝土外加剂、特种砂浆、密封剂和胶粘剂、消声和加固材料、结构加固系统、工业地坪以及屋面和防水系统。西卡凭借突破性的创新粘合剂技术获得瑞士技术奖。

西卡连续多年被评为最佳瑞士品牌 50 强,自 2021 年起连续入围胡润世界 500 强。作为一个有着超过 100 年历史的成功的特殊化学品制造商,以“更多价值,更少影响”为核心的可持续发展战略是业务运营和企业文化的核心要素。勇于创新,敢于坚持,乐于合作是西卡人对客户,对社会不变的承诺!