Feb® Febproof Plus

Waterproofer and plasticiser.

Feb® Febproof Plus reduces water absorption and makes mortar or non-structural concrete less permeable. Due to its strong air-entraining plasticiser, the water-to-cement ratio is much lower for the same workability.

  • Improves weathering properties.
  • Reduced suction aids pebble-dashing – larger areas covered easily.
  • Improves water resistance.
  • Reduces onset of efflorescence.
  • Improved application properties.
  • Supplements/replaces lime.
  • Drying shrinkage, crazing and cracking reduced.
  • Improved frost resistance.
  • Contains a hydrophobic material which is dispersed throughout the mix and thus reduces moisture penetration.
Feb® Febproof Plus also entrains air and this reduces capillary and water channel development, thus ensuring greatly increased water tightness and resistance to frost. In addition, due to its plasticising action, reductions in water content of up to 20 % are attained. Feb® Febproof Plus slightly retards the mix, e.g. a 3:1 sand/cement mix will be retarded by about up to an hour.