Sika Net Zero Targets

Sika aims to be a driver of the transformation of the Construction and Manufacturing industry towards Net Zero. That’s why the company supports the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) and joined the growing group of leading corporations that are setting emissions reduction targets in line with what climate science says is necessary. By doing so, Sika recognises the crucial role companies can play in minimìsing the risk climate change poses to the future of our planet.

Sika monitors its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of the environmental responsibility the company has for climate. Since 2019, Sika has defined a strategic target for reducing scope 1 & 2 CO2eq emissions per ton sold by 12% until 2023.  

Sika's Net Zero Roadmap: More Value, Less Impact

Sika Net Zero Roadmap

UK Government Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

PPN 06/20 Procurement Policy Note: Government Scheme

There are numerous Government schemes that focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and the environmental imapct within construction. For instance, projects that have a greater value than £5million must include a minimum of 10% social value which uses Themes, Outcomes and Measures (TOM) as a measurement of how they achieve this. An example would be a theme of employment, the outcomes would be how much employment opportunities have been created beccause of this specific project and then the measure would be the total amount of people that have a job because of the project.

Within this Policy Note, there is a drive on sustainability focusing specifically on recycling and circular economy. By 2026, the Governemnt are looking to make it mandatory for local councils to collect plastic film, reducing the amount of plastic waste on construction sites from product packaging.

PPN 06/21 Net Zero Focus

In 2021, the Procurement Policy Notice from the Government identified one main focus, Net Zero Carbon Emissions. The Government launched that any Governemnt project over the value of £5million must follow a creditable carbon reducation plan.

Sika Sustainable Memberships

Sika Sustainability Membership
Sika Sustainability Membership
Sika Sustainability Membership
Sika Sustainability Membership