
Mark Dunn, Sika's Head of Training - Roofing, has joined the IoR's Board

Adding experience and key sector skills as the Institute of Roofing (IoR) continues to develop its offering for members.

With more than 38 years of experience in roofing, Mark Dunn is Head of Training – Roofing, at Sika. Since joining the IoR in 2005, he also served as a regional officer for two years.

Mark’s career progression involved coming ‘off the tools’ and working his way up to higher management positions within roofing. Previous to his role at Sika, Mark worked as Head of Training for a waterproofing company for six years and is also a Fellow member of the IoR.

Speaking of his new responsibility as an IoR board member, Mark said: “I have been involved in the institute for 18 years, and it has served me well. This is a great opportunity to give something back and help steer the IoR, ensuring it keeps benefitting our members.

“The IoR is continuing to grow, and with Kay Rose (FIoR) at the reigns as CEO, we have seen some real positive change of late. I am looking forward to being involved in some of these decision-making processes that will ultimately offer even more positive transformation for our sector.”

Mark will also be responsible for delivering the IoR’s Associate Course – a course designed for anyone considering a professional career in roofing, particularly with an eye to moving into a supervisory or management role.

The training, which has recently been updated and refreshed by the IoR with support and input from Mark, includes a more interactive, presentation-led learning style. It provides essential skills and knowledge to enable candidates to progress in the roofing industry. The first cohort for the Associate Course this year will undertake training at FixFast in Kent, in March 2023.

Continued Mark: “I get a real buzz out of delivering training and I am thrilled to be heading-up the Associate Course. Seeing that knowledge develop within people who are new to the industry is real job satisfaction for me.

“It is really never too late to upskill, and I think continual learning is so important for everyone, no matter what level you are working at. The Associate Course covers such a vast number of subjects within our industry, and I am really looking forward to assisting the newest cohorts this year with their development.”

Kay Rose (FIoR), CEO of the IoR, added: “We are absolutely delighted to welcome Mark onto the board. The skills Mark brings to the table are invaluable, and are so in-line with our goals at the IoR to develop and branch-out our experience into different sectors. As a professional body, having someone with such experience in roofing education is vital, and we look forward to working more closely with Mark as we continue to develop the IoR’s offering to members.”

We would like to congratulate Mark on his extended responsibilities for the Roofing industry.
Mark Dunn Training