Sika Parex offers a range of weather resistant and breathable renders which are suitable for different applications and top coat finishes. These solutions can be applied to different substrates, including those which are damp.

Also ideal for use on multiple masonry substrates or as a base coat for damp, Monogris E typifies this range and can also be used as finishing render for vertical external and internal walls. For external wall insulation systems, Maite is an insulation adhesive and base coat used with the Parextherm and Parexdirect render systems.

  • Enhanced Adhesion: Sika's base coats are formulated to bond effectively with diverse substrates, including damp surfaces, ensuring a reliable base for subsequent layers.
  • Weather Resistance: These renders are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, protecting the underlying structure and extending the lifespan of the finish.
  • Breathability: The breathable nature of Sika's base coats allows moisture to escape, preventing issues such as blistering and ensuring the longevity of the render system.
  • Ease of Application: Suitable for both hand and spray application, these base coats simplify the rendering process, saving time and labour.
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