
Shrinkage reducing admixture

SikaControl®-40 is a liquid shrinkage reducing admixture used to produce high performance concrete with greatly reduced drying shrinkage.

SikaControl®-40 increases cohesion within the concrete pore system. Thus the contraction caused by water loss is reduced which results in significantly reduced drying shrinkage and therefore shrinkage cracking in correctly designed concrete mixes and structures. With the application of SikaControl®-40 the following advantages can be achieved:
  • Reduced drying shrinkage
  • Reduced drying shrinkage cracking
  • Reduced potential of slab curling
  • Reduced permeability
  • Increased concrete durability
SikaControl®-40 does not contain chlorides or any other ingredients which promote the corrosion of steel. It is therefore suitable for use in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.