Enhance and improve concrete

Fibres can significantly enhance and improve Shotcrete and concrete. They can improve the ductility of sprayed concrete linings, increase the fire resistance of the final lining concrete in tunnel construction, reduce cracking in roads and bridge decks or floor screeds, plus they can increase the impact resistance and reduce damage to precast concrete units.

Synthetic macrofibres in Shotcrete

The addition of fibres increases the ductility of sprayed concrete. For instance, if the sprayed concrete lining of an excavated tunnel support is cracked due to high flexural stresses, the fibres can accommodate the tensile forces and act as an excellent yielding support. This interaction between sprayed concrete and fibres, therefore also increases the mechanical capacity of the lining. The reinforcement can then be reduced or light reinforcement can be omitted completely. The result is quicker and cheaper tunnel excavation supports.

Concrete synthetic reinforcement

Increase fire resistance with micro synthetic fibres

The danger of fire is present always and everywhere. The imminent danger depends upon actual exposure, and naturally differs if the threatened construction is a pedestrian subway, a roadway tunnel or a subterranean garage in a skyscraper. Concrete is the load bearing material in nearly all built structures and is therefore at high risk, since the entire structure would collapse upon its material failure. Concrete must therefore, independent of the danger scenario, be properly formulated or protected by external measures, in order to hinder failure at high temperature in case of fire.

Improving fresh concrete properties and durability

The use of microfibres is beneficial for water retention in fresh concrete as well as decreased segregation and bleeding. An overall improvement of durability can be achieved through the use of fibres in fresh concrete. Early crack risk and shrinkage is strongly reduced by using an adequate amount of synthetic microfibres.

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