From warehouses to industrial areas to hospitals a perfectly flat floor is essential so when a floor joint is needed it has to be absolutely flat.
Any kind of thresholds at a critical floor joint can cause noise, vibration and blows on wheel bearings when machinery such as fork-lifts pass over them. This rumbling causes the fork-lifts to suffer and can contribute to a high wear rate of spare parts. Sensitive goods can fall and break when passing over a threshold. And even hospital patients have had to endure this unpleasant rumbling experience during bed or wheelchair moves through a hospital.
There is however a solution to the threshold issue, thanks to the ultra-thin and almost invisible Sika® FloorJoint S joint system. Offering ease of installation and minimal disruption, the Sika® FloorJoint S joint system is a prefabricated, carbon fibre reinforced polymer concrete profile suitable for use in new constructions and any refurbishments where a joint is needed and where the floor joint can be trafficked.
The profiles are installed on the same surface level as the floor, which means no more thresholds. Installation is fast because rapid resin systems are used to bond the panels to the concrete substrate. This minimises the interruption of daily operations and thus relieves budget pressure. A smooth plane is achieved by grinding, so that critical floor joints disappear quickly and easily. The result is a noiseless and vibration-free ride for all.