
Berk Aydin takes up the role within the company’s Flooring division, having held the same position at Sika Turkey for the past six years.

A highly-experienced Flooring Product Engineer, Berk has also excelled in Planning, Marketing and Sales roles within the construction industry. As Sika Product Manager he will be responsible for underpinning the UK Flooring range’s compatibility with market requirements and exciting innovation

Berk- Flooring

Speaking of the requirements of his latest Sika role, Berk, 33, said:

"“Sika has an ever-changing and dynamic flooring product range. Each day could see new technology become available. Therefore, as manufacturers, we need to ensure our products are fully-equipped with such advancements. This dedication to innovation and extracting even higher performance levels from our flooring range is why the Sika brand remains so respected throughout the industry. As Flooring Product Manager, I look forward to ensuring that fine reputation is upheld.”"

As well as ensuring Sika flooring systems contain the latest technologies in order to maintain their best-in-class performance, Berk will be looking to introduce new colour ranges to support industry and customer trends. Additionally, continuing product compliance with local legislations and global sustainability requirements, will be among Berk’s remit as Product Manager.

Berk, who has an MBA and a BSc in Civil Engineering, added: “Our success is built upon us listening to our customers and responding to their needs. Fulfilling their requirements and those of the industry takes an agile, collaborative, flexible and dynamic approach. We have these abilities in abundance at Sika. In my new role I’ve found myself a great team to work with. This team spirit will be key to our long-term success.”