Sika MonoTop®-4400 MIC

Microbially induced corrosion resistant SEWER REPAIR MORTAR.

Sika MonoTop®-4400 MIC is a 1-part, ready to use, high performance, calcium aluminate mortar specifically designed for the repair and protection of new or existing sewer infrastructure from biogenic sulphuric acid corrosion.

  • Resistant to biogenic sulphuric acid corrosion
  • Resistant to pure water, salt water, sulphated soils and several diluted acids
  • Does not contain chlorides or other corrosion promoting additives
  • Suitable for machine application (wet and dry spray technique)
  • High bond strength
  • High early compressive strength, class R4 of EN 1504-3
  • Fast return to service (within 1 hour if Sikagard®-230 MIC surface hardener is used)