Sika Product Solution for Water Infrastructure Concrete Repairs

Sika's concrete refurbishment solutions for reinforced concrete can be applied to many different areas within a waste water treatment plant. Over time chemical, mechanical and environmental factors play a part in the deterioration of reinforced concrete causing spalling, cracking, concrete break out etc. Our solutions are designed to not only repair the damage but prolong the life of structures which a simple patch repair can not provide. The Total Corrosion Management options we have available can control the corrosion of the steel rebar within and protect it from further corrosion leaving to further concrete deterioration. Ā 

Concrete repair products approved for contact with potable water and CE marked:


Repairs on Concrete Structures within Water Treatment Plants

Primary sedimentation tanks
Image: Primary sedimentation tanks
Digestion tanks
Image: Digestion tanks
Screening channels
Image: Screening channels
Filtration beds
Image: Filtration beds
Biological tanks
Image: Biological tanks
Technical services buildings
Image: Technical services buildings
Gasometer tanks
Image: Gasometer tanks