A series of ‘deminars’ held at popular venues across the UK provided a compelling showcase for Sika’s range of products and technical services for the application of refurbishing and maintaining buildings whether it be a roof or concrete structure.
A series of ‘deminars’ held at popular venues across the UK provided a compelling showcase for Sika’s range of products and technical services for the application of refurbishing and maintaining buildings whether it be a roof or concrete structure.
The half-day sessions, which included presentations and product demonstrations, skillfully highlighted Sika solutions for the refurbishment sector of construction.
Edgbaston cricket stadium, Birmingham; Bristol Aquarium, and the Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds were the three venues to host the deminars. Subjects covered included concrete repair, protection and management; liquid roofing; anti-graffiti and structural strengthening, and liquid-applied solutions for roofs, walkways and balconies.Attendees included a large number of construction industry representatives, who were treated to a tour of their respective venue at the deminar’s close.
"“The deminars were a great success. Attendees were extremely positive with their feedback, each stating how educational and interesting they found the sessions. I’m certain our message came across loud and clear: Sika has the solutions and knowhow to ensure quality concrete repair and refurbishment for a wide range of infrastructural applications.”" Charles Pierce at Sika
We will be hosting a final event Tuesday, 10th September 2019 (12.30pm - 3.30pm) at Le Rivage, Copthorne Newcastle. Register today to see how you can repair, maintain and strengthen building assets with Sika.