Want to find out more about Conductive and Anti-static Flooring?

Sika’s extensive flooring products and systems have been specially researched and developed to disperse static electricity effectively.

Conductive floors in specific sectors- for example in areas where Explosive Atmospheres or Substances are handled- is imperative to save lives.

Static electricity can result in significant damage, injury and financial loss in industries whereelectronic components or volatile chemicals are involved. All active electronic components and equipment e.g. micro-chips, integrated circuits and machinery are sensitive to electrostatic discharges(also known as ESD events). 


What are the risks if ESD protection and control is not takeninto consideration where there are electrostatic sensitivedevices? The devices could be damaged or completelydestroyed.It is this potentially unseen, unfelt or unheard ‘micro lightning’ spark that can occur without warning, which must beprevented or controlled.


In industries where electronic components or volatile chemicals are involved, static electricity can result in significantdamage, injury and financial loss. All active electronic components and equipment e.g. micro-chips, integrated circuits and machinery are sensitive to ESD events. Even when areas and people are equipped to handle such static-sensitive devices, inadvertent contact and damage can still occur. Sikafloor®ESD (Electro Static Discharge) and Sikafloor® ECF (Electrically Conductive Flooring) Systems, can safeguard your entire process. These systems can be used to design and produce a floor that is’ tailor-made’ to meet your specific needs.


Where can conductive and anti static flooring be found?

  • Laboratories
  • Computer suites
  • Electronic assembly
  • Automotive
  • Aeronautical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Medical
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Chemical Processing


Sika has continued to strengthen its position as a worldwide market leader in providing advanced flooring technology for many different applications. In industries where electronic components or volatile chemicals are involved, static electricity can result in significant damage, injury and financial loss. Our diverse range of ESD and Conductive industrial flooring solutions not only meet but exceed all of the latest standards and requirements for both new and refurbishment works. Eliminate static electricity and minimise the risk of damage in sensitive electronic environments where electronic goods are handled with Sika’s anti static, static dissipative safety flooring solutions.

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