Sika MonoTop®-615
R3 Classification, One-Component, Cementitious, High Build Concrete Repair and Reprofiling Low Density Mortar
Sika® MonoTop®-615 is a one-component, cement based, polymer modified, high build repair and reprofiling mortar, meeting the requirements of Class R3 of EN 1504-3.
- Pre-bagged for consistency and quality.
- Easy to use.
- Just add water.
- Contains waste materials for improved sustainability.
- Low density for ease of use, particularly vertically and overhead.
- Sprayable by the wet spray method.
- Contains no chloride admixtures.
- High build.
- Low wastage.
- EuroClass A1 reaction to fire rating.
- Excellent adhesion to substrates.
- Especially suitable for substrates with low strength and for lightweight concrete.
- Low-shrinkage curing.
- Good mechanical strength.
- High frost and de-icing salt resistance.
- Drinking Water Certified.

- For repairing all types of structures.
- Particularly suited to overhead and vertical repairs.
- Hand applied repairs.
- Repairs requiring mechanical (spray) application.
- For exterior and interior use.
- For all Class R1, R2 and R3 repairs.
- Pre-bagged for consistency and quality.
- Easy to use.
- Just add water.
- Contains waste materials for improved sustainability.
- Low density for ease of use, particularly vertically and overhead.
- Sprayable by the wet spray method.
- Contains no chloride admixtures.
- High build.
- Low wastage.
- EuroClass A1 reaction to fire rating.
- Excellent adhesion to substrates.
- Especially suitable for substrates with low strength and for lightweight concrete.
- Low-shrinkage curing.
- Good mechanical strength.
- High frost and de-icing salt resistance.
- Drinking Water Certified.
25 kg bag
Grey powder
Product Details
- Conforms to the requirements of EN 1504-3 R3 Classification.
- Drinking Water Certificate: Water Regulations Advisory Scheme Ltd (WRAS) Approval Number: 2305561.
Chemical Base
Portland cement, polymer redispersable powder, selected aggregates and additives
Shelf Life
9 months when stored covered, dry and in unopened original packaging
Storage Conditions
Store properly in original unopened, sealed and undamaged packaging in dry and cool conditions
Maximum Grain Size
Dmax: 1.5 mm
Fresh mortar density: ~1.65 kg/l
Hard mortar density after 28 days: ~1.89 kg/l
Soluble Chloride Ion Content
Result | Requirement |
< 0.009% | < 0.05% |
System Structure
Sika® MonoTop®-615 is part of the range of Sika® mortars complying with the relevant part of European Standard EN 1504 and comprising of:
Bonding Primer:
Sika® MonoTop®-1010
Reinforcement Corrosion Protection:
Sika® MonoTop®-1010 for carbonated concrete
SikaTop® Armatec®-110 EpoCem® for chloride contaminated concrete
Repair Mortar:
Sika® MonoTop®-615
Smoothing Coat / Levelling Mortar / Pore Filler:
Sika® MonoTop®-3020
Sikagard®-545 W Elastofill
Sikagard®-720 EpoCem® for demanding requirements
Anti-Carbonation Concrete Protective Coating:
All Sikagard® Anti-Carbonation protective coatings
Ancillary Products for Corrosion Management:
Sika® FerroGard®-903+ Liquid Corrosion Inhibitor
Sika® Margel VPI 580 Capsule Corrosion Inhibitor
Sika® Galvashield® Galvanic Anodes
Sika® Ebonex® Cathodic Protection Anodes
Compressive Strength
Class R3 | Requirement: | >25 N/mm2* |
1-day | 7-day | 28-day |
~12 N/mm2 | ~30 N/mm2 | ~35 N/mm2 |
* = At 28 days.
Modulus of Elasticity in Compression
~16 kN/mm2 | (EN 13412) |
Flexural Strength
28 days ~ 7.0 N/mm² | (EN 12190) |
Tensile adhesion strength
>2 N/mm2 | (EN 1542) |
Restrained Shrinkage / Expansion
~2.5 N/mm2 | (EN 12617-4) |
Capillary Absorption
~0.11 kg x m-2 x h-0.5 | (EN 13057) |
Carbonation Resistance
dk ≤ control concrete (MC (0.45)) | (EN 13295) |
Reaction to Fire
EuroClass A1 | (EN 1504-3 cl 5.5) |
Layer Thickness
3.0 mm minimum / 50 mm maximum (~30 mm overhead)
Ambient Air Temperature
+5°C minimum / +30°C maximum
Mixing Ratio
Hand Application: ~2.5 to 2.7 L of water for 25 kg powder
Wet Spray application: ~2.5 to 3.5 L of water for 25 kg powder
Substrate Temperature
+5°C minimum / +30°C maximum
Pot Life
~30 minutes (at +23°C)
This depends on the substrate roughness and thickness of layer applied. As a guide, ~1.65 kg/m2/mm.
Sika® MonoTop®-615 can be mixed with a low speed (< 500 rpm) hand drill mixer, or for machine application, using a force action mixer with 2 to 3 bags (or more) at once, depending the type and size of mixer. In small quantities, Sika® MonoTop®-615 can also be manually mixed. Pour the recommended water in a suitable mixing container. While stirring slowly, add the powder to the water and mix thoroughly at least for 3 minutes adding additional water during the mixing time if necessary to the maximum specified amount and adjust to the required consistency.
Reinforcement Corrosion Protection Coating:
Where a reinforcement coating is required, the application of a repair mortar shall be applied wet on dry onto the reinforcement corrosion protection. Refer to the System Information above for compatible Sika® Products and refer to the relevant Product Data Sheet(s) for more detailed information about the reinforcement corrosion Product.
Bonding Primer:
On a well prepared and roughened substrate, a bonding primer is generally not required for this Product. When a bonding primer is required, refer to the System Structure above for compatible Sika® Products and refer to the relevant Product Data Sheet(s) for instructions. A small amount of Sika® MonoTop®-615 can also be mixed slightly wetter than normal and used as a scratch coat to fill any deep cavities or pits in the base of the substrate. Any bonding primer shall be applied on a pre-wet substrate and subsequent application of the scratch coat / repair mortar shall be applied 'wet-on-wet' onto the bonding primer.
Repair Mortar Application:
Sika® MonoTop®-615 can be applied either manually using traditional techniques, or mechanically using wet spray equipment. Thoroughly pre-wet the prepared substrate a recommended 2 hours before application. Keep the surface wet and do not allow to dry. Before application, remove excess water e.g. with a clean sponge. The surface shall have a dark matt appearance without glistening, and surface pores and pits shall not contain water. When manually applying, first make a scratch coat by firmly scraping the repair mortar over the base of the substrate surface to form a thin layer and fill any deep cavities. Ensure the whole surface to be repaired is covered by the scratch coat. For vertical applications, build up layers from bottom to top by pressing mortar well into the repair area. The surface can be finished according to the surface texture requirements using a float. Do not over-trowel as this may lead to surface cracking.
Protect the fresh mortar immediately from premature drying for a minimum of 3 days using an appropriate curing method (e.g. curing compound, moist geotextile membrane, polythene sheet, etc.).
Curing compounds shall not be used when they adversely affect subsequently applied Products and Systems.
Reference shall also be made to EN 1504-10 for specific requirements.
Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened material can only be mechanically removed.