A tunnel seal has the task of protecting the tunnel construction against damage from moisture or the unintentional entry of water.

Tunnels are built with a service life of over 100 years, which means that standards for tunnel construction must be high, in particular those involving sealing and waterproofing systems.

A tunnel seal has the task of protecting the tunnel construction against damage from moisture or the unintentional entry of water as well as the danger posed by aggressive water or soils and the effects of chemicals. Thus the reliable functioning of a seal is of particular significance in the case of traffic tunnels, which are not easily accessible for subsequent repairs after construction.

As this is a highly specialised area of waterproofing, a separate document entitled ‘Flexible Waterproofing of Tunnels with Sikaplan® Membranes‘ has been produced.

Train railway tunnel with Sika Watertight concrete








Tunnel Projects