"More value - less impact" - that's the name of the Sika sustainability strategy. With the aim of “enhancing utility and reducing impacts”, Sika pursues six strategic target areas, focusing on economic performance, sustainable solutions, local communities/society, energy, waste/water, and occupational safety.

Through its products, systems, and solutions, Sika strives to create long-term benefits and added value for all its stakeholders, and to significantly reduce resource consumption and the impacts associated with production processes.      

Economic Performance

Our success directly benefits all stakeholders.



Operating profit (EBIT) 12-14% of net sales.


Sustainable Solutions

We are leading the industry by pioneering a portfolio of sustainable products, systems, and services.



All new projects are assessed in accordance with Sika's Product Development Process. All local key projects are implemented.

Local Communities/Society

We build trust and create value - with customers, communities, and with society.



5% more projects per year.


We manage resources and costs carefully.



3% less energy consumption per ton and year.


We increase water and material efficiency.



3% less water consumption and waste per ton and year.

Occupational Safety

Sika employees leave the workplace healthy.



5% less accidents per year.

Target Areas

Economic Performance

Partner for all stakeholders

Sika is a reliable and long-term partner for all its stakeholders. Financially sound, Sika is able to create value. The company aims to be a respected employer, a provider of high-performing and durable products, an attractive long-term investment opportunity, a responsible tax payer, and a good corporate citizen helping communities to flourish. Sika focuses on global technology leadership and market penetration, from new-build construction to refurbishment.

Seven target markets, plenty of opportunities

Sustainability in construction relates to both new-build and refurbishment projects. As a global market leader in the construction chemicals industry, Sika continuously leverages its growth potential in all target markets through innovation, quality, and service. Sika’s seven target markets are Concrete, Waterproofing, Roofing, Flooring, Sealing & Bonding, Refurbishment, and Industry.

From product to solution provider 

Sika provides its customers with innovative solutions that boost the efficiency, durability, and aesthetic appeal of buildings, infrastructure facilities, installations, and vehicles throughout construction and use. The integrated concepts and solutions address the entire life cycle of a facility, from initial construction to repair, refurbishment, and deconstruction. The extension of a facility’s life span through appropriate maintenance and modernisation creates economic and environmental value.    

Sustainable Solutions

TARGET 1: All new product developments are reviewed against sustainability criteria using a standardised methodology, including a documented sustainability profile and an appropriate improvement plan where necessary.

TARGET 2: The major Sika national subsidiaries prepare a sustainability action plan and implement all key projects planned in this context. The plan is aligned with local trends and with market requirements, and encompasses the key projects and topics that are geared towards the global initiative. In 2018, this target was achieved.

Innovation drives growth and sustainability

Since the early days of Sika, continuous innovation has been the key driver of the company's successful growth strategy. Sika innovates to reduce the environmental footprint, to increase the efficiency of products and solutions along the entire value chain, and thus responds to the market demand for sustainable solutions.

Implementing life-cycle thinking into practice, from product development to application at customer’s site, marks Sika's aim to move away from being a mere product supplier to a provider of innovative solutions which enhance the efficiency, durability, and aesthetic appeal of buildings, infrastructure, and installations. Integrated concepts and solutions address the entire life-cycle of a built structure, from initial construction and maintenance through to refurbishment or expansion to deconstruction. Sika’s sustainable solutions include a product portfolio which is supplemented by services, tools, and reference projects to quantify the sustainability performance. Quantifiable data on solutions provide evidence about the promised value.

Increasing customer benefit and reducing environmental impact

The contribution of Sika’s solutions with regard to sustainability megatrends is evaluated from a life-cycle perspective along the value chain. The sustainability profile of products, systems, and services is closely linked to their excellent performance. Sika stands for products which are technically superior, user-friendly, and sustainable during their life span, from application to deconstruction. Sika’s products are designed for long-term use, providing more value and causing less impact than comparable alternative products over their life cycle.

Local Communities / Society

TARGET: 5% more social projects per year. Social projects benefit all non-commercial stakeholder groups of local companies and their neighbourhoods. They encompass monetary benefits or material donations, local projects and community engagement programmes, dialogue with stakeholder groups, communal consultation procedures, social activities and programmes, training, environmental projects, or recovery programmes.

Sika wants to sustain local communities in order to help people to help themselves. Fields of activities are:

  • buildings and infrastructure for social and ecological projects or
  • education, preferably in connection with construction-related professions or
  • ecological water projects correlating indirectly with Sika's field of waterproofing activities

The main goals, among others, are to support communities in infrastructure development for social projects, to promote trainings in construction professions and trades, and to provide emergency aid to disaster-stricken regions.



TARGET: 3% less energy consumption per ton and year. This includes the total energy produced and consumed by all Sika companies.

Efficient use of energy

Apart from raw materials, energy is the main resource input for Sika’s operations and thus a relevant cost factor. Therefore, the efficient use of energy is highly important for the company. CO2 emissions are a consequence of fossil fuel consumption, which can be limited by increasing energy efficiency. The CO2 footprint of purchased electricity depends on the power production in each country and cannot be influenced easily.

For self-produced electricity, Sika seeks to use low-CO2 energy sources where possible, for example natural gas instead of oil. Sika is committed to reducing the use of non-renewable energy, thus minimising negative impacts on climate change, reducing costs, and increasing competitiveness.

Water / Waste

TARGET WATER: 3% less water consumption per ton and year. This includes water consumed by all Sika companies, whether from public utilities, or from ground or surface water sources.

TARGET WASTE: 3% less waste per ton and year. This includes all waste material sent to external contractors for disposal – except materials returned to suppliers – and covers all Sika companies.

Water - an undervalued resource

Sika takes measures to use water economically by reducing consumption, treating water, and using lower-grade water qualities especially in geographies with water scarcity. Efficient production projects have been implemented using closed-loop cooling, cooling towers, and switching from public to groundwater in order to reduce the amount of processed drinking water used in production. With these measures, the re-use of treated wastewater, and the collection of rainwater at various production sites, Sika reduced its water consumption on a large scale over the past years.

Waste – raw materials waste

Efficient use of input materials is important for all Sika companies. Sika’s production processes are material intensive, using high volumes of resources like sand, cement, fillers, organic raw materials, and packaging and transportation materials. The major commercial impact of input materials makes their efficient use and reuse a mandatory element at Sika. Efficient production means reducing and reusing production scrap and packaging materials, as well as improving packaging design, resulting in higher productivity and lower material use.

Occupational Health and Safety

TARGET: 5% less accidents per year. This refers to the number of work-related accidents leading to injuries, and covers all Sika employees. This includes temporary and subcontracted staff.

Safe and effective equipment, organisation, and work processes

Health, safety, and well-being of all employees and partners are essential for the success of Sika's business, and are core concerns throughout the organisation. This requires focus and a systematic approach: Management commitment, risk analysis, health and safety standards, employee involvement, and training and education are key components of Sika’s health and safety framework.

Health and safety culture

Sika strives to live up to its commitments regarding health and safety: “Nothing we do is worth getting hurt for”. The company has implemented management systems according to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in all major sites. A strong safety culture is embedded in every Sika site.

Materiality Assessment

The materiality analysis assesses the importance of sustainability topics for the company and its external stakeholders. It identifies the most relevant economic, environmental, and social aspects that are consistent with the business strategy, and defines the content of the sustainability strategy according to the GRI-Standards. In terms of sustainability reporting, the aspects deemed as material (or relevant) are those that have a significant impact on the economic, social, and environmental performance of the company, or that may substantially influence stakeholders’ perceptions and decisions. Accordingly, the materiality analysis is two-fold, as it takes into account the standpoint of the company and its stakeholders.

Sika Materiality Analysis

Management and organisation

The development and coordination of the Sika sustainability strategy has been assigned to the department “Sustainability and Operations Technology” (S&OT). This department encompasses Product Sustainability, Environment, Health and Safety, as well as Factory KPI Reporting. Other areas of S&OT are Quality Assurance, Risk Management, and Operations Technology. The sustainability strategy is implemented and anchored locally by the line organization. A particular degree of responsibility lies with the General Managers, Target Market Managers, R&D Managers, and Operations Managers, who drive the development and implementation of local action plans. The existing network of local and regional EHS and sustainability resources supports Sika companies in ideation, planning, and implementation of higher-level regional measures.

Independent experts, the Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB),  aims to provide Sika management with additional guidance regarding the direction and implementation of Sika’s sustainability strategy.  

Partnerships and Co-operations

Sika commits itself to genuinely sustainable added value along the entire value chain. The company is committed to aligning its operations and strategies with the universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption established by the United Nations Global Compact Initiative.

Sika is a member of manifold industry associations and initiatives on local, national, and multi-national level, for example the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Responsible Care, Carbon Disclosure Project, Green Building Councils Network and Sustainable Construction Switzerland.

The company holds a position on the board or actively participates in projects or committees of manifold associations. Here are some examples:

Associations / Organizations Acronym
American Chemistry Council ACC
Adhesive and Sealant Council ASC
Carbon Disclosure Project - CDP CDP
Concrete Society CS
Responsible Care Responsible Care
Transparency International Transparency International
UN Environment Program UNEP
UN Global Compact UN GC
U.S. Green Building Council USGBC
Vinyl Foundation Vinyl Foundation
World Business Council of Sustainable Development WBCSD

Advisory Board

Sika has installed a Sika Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) which became operational in 2016. The SAB has been established to support a business model based on sustainability. An independent expert opinion aims to provide Sika management with further impulses regarding the direction and implementation of Sika’s sustainability strategy.

The SAB reviews the Sika sustainability practices step by step and issues recommendations, which are reviewed continuously. This leads to an adaptation of the measuring and reporting structure. As a consequence, Sika refines the training and education structure as well as the target setting principles for sustainability.  

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Among others, both the construction and the automotive industry highly influence these goals:

  • 3 (Good health and well-being)
  • 4 (Quality education and lifelong learning)
  • 6 (Clean water and sanitation)
  • 8 (Decent work and economic growth)
  • 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure)
  • 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) 
  • 12 (Responsible consumption and production)
Sika Sustainability Strategy