We are one the largest companies that you might never see.

We are one the largest companies that you might never see.

With a global turnover of almost £10 Billion, the specialist chemical solutions we offer are used for bonding, sealing, protecting, damping and reinforcing. Our expertise is used by countless partners to build the Modern World.

But, because we are at the heart of everything that our partners achieve, sometimes we are difficult to spot. Being at the centre of the Modern World means that we are all around you, whether you sit on a train crossing Europe, sit on board a large Jet landing at Heathrow or sitting in your extension at home with a cup of tea.

Our products might not always be visible but the results they achieve deliver added value to our customers and to society as a whole. Working at Sika means having the ability to make a global impact. Whatever your background, expertise or area of interest and with activities in over 100 countries, you are in the driver`s seat of your career.

One team - many voices.
See us race at LeMans
See us build Superyachts